만화 같은 이야기/트위터 소설(140자 손바닥 소설)

손바닥 소설(영어) 2010.05.18~2010.05.21

조약돌(Joyakdol) 2010. 6. 2. 15:11

손바닥 소설(영어) 2010.05.18~2010.05.21

(E001) One morning, I lost 10 minutes. It happened to me. Realizing my watch was broken, I found out that I woke up late for 10 minutes.

(E002)It's rained for a week.Finally the rain stops and I see a rainbow.I decide to climb it up.I find out my 7 ex-girl friends stop crying.

(E003)Have you ever step on the moon? I always do. You may know story about rabbit on the moon. It pounds in a mortar.Yes,I'm that mortar.

(E004)I entered a war.I shot the enemies dead.At last I got a shot.I was bleeding.It was black.Yes,I am a marine of Starcraft for teenager.

조약돌 트위터 https://twitter.com/stopby
손바닥 소설 http://bit.ly/cfvXYL